
CLASS cleandiffuser.nn_diffusion.BaseNNCondition() [SOURCE]

The base class for condition process. Recall that the NN backbone for diffusion model can be represented as \(\bm f_{\theta}(\bm x_t,t,\bm c)\), which \(\bm c\) is a tensor of context information. However, in practice, the context information can be very complex, including multi-modal data, high-dimensional data, etc. To simplify the context information, we can use a separate neural network \(\bm\zeta_\phi(\bar{\bm c})=\bm c\) to process it, where \(\bar{\bm c}\) is the complex raw context information and \(\bm c\) is the simplified context tensor.

When we need a classifier-free guidance (CFG), our diffusion NN backbone must recognize a dummy context tensor \(\bm\Phi\) such that \(\bm f_{\theta}(\bm x_t,t,\bm\Phi)=\bm f_{\theta}(\bm x_t,t)\) means unconditional diffusion. So it is a common choice to define the dummy tensor as zeros, i.e., \(\bm\Phi=\bm 0\). And randomly drop out some elements of the context tensor when training the NN backbone. To achieve this, we define the base class as follows:


  • None

forward(condition: torch.Tensor, mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> torch.Tensor


  • condition (torch.Tensor): The context tensor in shape (..., *c_shape).
  • mask (Optional[torch.Tensor]): The mask tensor in shape (..., *c_shape). Default is None.


  • None