
CLASS cleandiffuser.nn_diffusion.DiT1d(in_dim: int, emb_dim: int, d_model: int = 384, n_heads: int = 6, depth: int = 12, dropout: float = 0.0, timestep_emb_type: str = “positional”, timestep_emb_params: Optional[dict] = None) [SOURCE]

A modified Diffusion Transformer for 1D input tensor \(\bm x_t\), proposed in AlignDiff. It generates trajectory sequences. One important feature is that it can handle variable-length input sequences, i.e., the sequence length during training and inference can be different.


  • in_dim (int): The dimension of the input tensor \(\bm x_t\).
  • emb_dim (int): The dimension of the time embedding.
  • d_model (int): The dimension of the transformer model. Default is 384.
  • n_heads (int): The number of heads in the multi-head attention. Default is 6.
  • depth (int): The number of DiT blocks. Default is 12.
  • dropout (float): The dropout rate. Default is 0.0.
  • timestep_emb_type (str): The type of the time embedding. It can be either “positional” or “fourier”. Default is “positional”.
  • timestep_emb_params (Optional[dict]): The parameters for the time embedding. Default is None.

forward(x: torch.Tensor, t: torch.Tensor, c: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor


  • x (torch.Tensor): The input tensor \(\bm x_t\) in shape (b, seq_len, in_dim).
  • t (torch.Tensor): The time tensor \(t\) in shape (b, 1).
  • c (torch.Tensor): The context tensor \(\bm c\) in shape (b, emb_dim).


  • torch.Tensor: The output tensor in shape (b, seq_len, in_dim).